More than just video, VI Media Pros / Video Ideas Productions, located in Chattanooga, TN, delivers integrated marketing solutions under one roof, saving you time, money and energy. Over three decades of success has proven that VI Media Pros / Video Ideas has the experience to produce creative and effective solutions that are on budget, on time, and on target.
We are constantly flexing our mental muscles to provide our clients with top notch creative solutions through solid strategic thinking, research and a drive to see your product succeed, we create powerful communication tools that flexes with your market and gets the results you need. Our firm's mental muscle is ready to tackle your project. Call today for a free consultation.
We have partnered with our customers since 1987, by combining knowledge with know-how. Because of our creative and technical experience, we have been empowering our customers to generate innovative solutions for their products.
From Willie Nelson to National Geographic, our customers include fortune 100 companies to small businesses, and can be found in 42 states and abroad.


Video Ideas Production has been recognized with numerous Addy and Telly Awards from the advertising industry's largest and most represented competitions, honoring excellence in video and television.


Vice President